Thursday 26 July 2007

Blogging for business

Blogs have quickly become the latest online marketing tool. They help raise your profile, give you an added presence on all the major search engines – and they can help drive traffic to your website.

The beauty of Blogs is their adaptability, flexibility and ease of use. For instance, the Blog you're reading now can be updated, amended or added to in seconds. The problem, of course, is finding content - and then the resources - to maintain the site so that it stays fresh, attracts regular visitors and continues to help drive traffic to other sites.

Even the experts sometimes suffer from a lack of time, resources and more pressing priorities (slap on wrist for The News Desk!). That's why Nice Work and Pixel Puppet have decided to establish a dedicated blogging service to help organisations establish and maintain blogs for the benefit of their businesses. We research and source new content - and make sure the Blog always contains contemporary and interesting content.

Blogs are also an ideal first step on the Internet if you’re unsure about websites.

One of the big advantages is that they are extremely cost-effective. Nice Work/Pixel Puppet can provide you with a fully functional Blog, together with weekly or two-weekly updates for a very low initial cost - much lower than the cost of a new website). We can also maintain your Blog, keeping it fesh and up to date for a nominal monthly fee.

Why not get in touch and find out more?

In the meantime, check out some of these Blogs we have produced:

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